We know the busiest periods of the year – especially renewal season – call upon your expertise, time, and energy to manage inspections while meeting tight deadlines and serving your customers. With
Tractor Zoom Pro Equipment Lists, achieve efficiency and maintain a high level of accuracy and precision in your work so your risk is minimized and your relationship as a trusted advisor to your clients is upheld.
Get ahead of renewal season with these essential steps.
☑️ Review clients’ portfolios with automated reports.
Log in to Tractor Zoom Pro to export reports with your clients’ equipment data from their last renewal to start a review of assets.
☑️ Quickly identify changes to the inventory of equipment.
Even before an onsite inspection, do you have an up-to-date record of your clients’ equipment? Reviewing their Equipment Lists in Tractor Zoom Pro sets you up to manage changes fast.
☑️ Update clients’ list of equipment.
Depending on the changes required, you can easily add or remove equipment in Tractor Zoom Pro Equipment Lists, and even use the mobile app to do so onsite, away from your desk.
☑️ Complete and streamline onsite inspections.
Use one solution for inspection and data collection and replace the myriad spreadsheets and paper lists that introduce risk for errors and take more time to manually reconcile. Equipment Lists and the
Tractor Zoom Pro App for Equipment Lists enable you to take photos, edit equipment attributes, and sync even when offline.
☑️ Automatically update equipment values.
Update and verify all equipment values with the most recent and relevant auction and dealer averages from Tractor Zoom’s database of equipment sale data. Equipment Lists allow you to select the right comparables so you’re the most accurate and have traceability into how values were calculated.
☑️ Streamline reports submitted to the Credit team.
When your work is complete, easily submit new reports to the Credit team for approval, ensuring a seamless transition to the next stage and a quicker turnaround for your clients’ final evaluation.