Strengthening Relationships

TZ Pro Blog
The foundation of a strong ag lending practice is built on service and trust. These qualities are a direct result of the relationships developed between the farm owner and people within your organization. Strong relationships require reciprocity. You must offer and deliver help.
During your farm loan renewal meeting you will likely spend some time reviewing the farm equipment valuations. A natural question will be how they plan to manage these assets, add to their fleet or reduce what is currently parked in the shed. Tractor Zoom Pro can help you provide the information they need to see to help clients make decisions.
Pull up Tractor Zoom Pro to browse what their John Deere 4440 would actually go for in your state. If they need to replace their bean head after this rough harvest, search by Make and Model for their desired harvesting headers. The results are instantaneous and easily filtered by sale price and locations. You can now accurately show them what that purchase would likely cost at auction, or save them money verses buying a new one off the lot.
Investment in machinery costs per harvested acre vary greatly across different farming operations. By understanding this and knowing how to pull accurate information, you can strengthen client relationships and be the one they turn to for help managing machinery costs.
TZ Pro Blog