October 2022 Tractor Zoom Pro Product Updates

Starting with what you may not notice right away...We've been working on site speed improvements for a while and, well, your Tractor Zoom and Tractor Zoom Pro just got a whole lot faster! With a restructuring of the backend structure, the loading speed improved drastically. Any improvement of speed is good, but this is especially impressive considering this is more than 10x faster while pulling 10x more data! Our team would love to hear about your experiences, and how this change influences your work. You can reach out to let me know here.
Now for what you will definitely notice. We are excited to release Tractor Zoom Pro Market Trends, an insights platform embedded directly into Tractor Zoom Pro. You can find it right at the top of your navigation bar within the platform.
TZ Pro Blog
When you first access Market Trends, it will be a slimmed down version showcasing older data, but still allows you to get a feel for the navigation and dynamic insights that are possible. To access the most recent and complete Market Trends, just reach out to your Tractor Zoom Pro representative. They should also be able to provide a full walk-through of what your Market Trends would look like.
Market Trends is a product of your great suggestions and feedback. Your eagerness to work alongside our development team is greatly appreciated. Our entire team is fueled by the opportunities to chase a common goal while working alongside you and your team.

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