We want to begin this month's product update with a note of gratitude for all of you, our Tractor Zoom Pro partners. Your use of Tractor Zoom Pro, the productive questions and feedback you provide help feed the continual evolution of all of our Tractor Zoom products.
This month's addition of a notes feature was a direct product of client feedback. Tractor Zoom Pro already tracks and records your actions taken within the platform. Both equipment dealers and financial lenders had reached out and asked if there was an opportunity to include their reasons for those actions or notes for particular equipment. That way when that piece of equipment was viewed later, the details would not have to be remembered (you have enough on your plate), but rather saved in a nifty note. Notes are also exported in reports, so your rational can easily be understood without you having to be there.
One of our dealers is using these notes in the new Inventory tool to execute a repricing strategy resulting in each piece of equipment being evaluated at least every 90 days.
The notes feature is also embedded in Equipment Lists. Considering some Tractor Zoom Pro's lending partners are now using hundreds of equipment lists, this notes sections can be a huge time saver, and help you pick up where you left off. Especially if there are some lending clients' assets you do might not review for another year.
New Layout
Most of you have likely already seen the layout changes within Tractor Zoom Pro. A new bar off to the lefthand side of the screen allows for more space. "We’ve been adding several new features (Need Help, What’s New, etc.) and needed to consolidate their location," states Tractor Zoom's UX Designer, Jeff Gutierrez.
Exportable Inspection Reports
Many Tractor Zoom Pro users are performing routine inspections on fleets of equipment. Now you can create and export an Inspection Report in either an Excel, or PDF format. This formatted list of your equipment is ready for notes to be typed or handwritten in while on the job site.
If you have suggestions on how we can help your daily work within Tractor Zoom Pro, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask what is possible!