Wright Implement Grows Marketing Request Volume by 300%


The problem: How to track leads with poor visibility and disconnected systems?

TZ Pro Blog
When attempting to manage marketing requests from digital channels, the operations manager at Wright Implement had trouble tracking anything. He relied on email correspondence with no consistent follow-up procedures. This created disorganization and an inability to take advantage of leads. 
The dealership needed a solution that would put all the necessary marketing resources in one place to maintain customer engagement and ensure consistent communication from anywhere.

A chaotic lead-managing process: 

  • No consistent follow-up procedures in place for collected leads. 
  • Inability to track leads to salespeople or track response time.
  • Difficulties matching results to the source of each lead.
  • Manual recording of marketing efforts and performance metrics.
“We can see how many leads come in from every different source, for any time  period, month, or even year.”
   –Joe Smith, Operations Manager at Wright Implement

The solution: Using Anvil Pro’s automated marketing requests 

The company used the Anvil Pro Marketing Requests solution to set up automation and capture leads as they come in. Requests are either matched to an existing customer account or used to create a new prospect account before being assigned to a salesperson. Wright now tracks every step in the sales funnel — from first contact to final payment. 

Highlights of Wright’s marketing request strategy with Anvil Pro:

  • Generation of usable marketing data: Anvil Pro’s tracking capability captures crucial lead and prospect information.
  • Increased response time: Every lead is quickly acknowledged thanks to automated notifications.
  • Improved lead conversion rate: Sales from marketing leads increased by 20%.
“Customers are now contacted quicker, and that has resulted in converting a lot more leads to sales.” 

Read the case study below to learn more about how Wright Implement managed their marketing requests to increase conversion rate by 20% and request volume by 300%.

wright implement marketing requests case study

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